Quick Links
Explore our frequently used resources.

Track Federal Tax Refund
Use this tool to check on the status of a federal refund. The site is updated once a day, overnight and it may take a few days after filing a return for the system to reflect the refund. The IRS usually issues refund checks within four to eight weeks of filing. To use this tool, be sure to have your SSN, filing status, and the exact amount of your refund.

Track California Tax Refund
Use this tool to check the status of a California refund. California usually takes up to three weeks from the filing date to issue refund checks. To use the tool, be sure to have your SSN, zip code, the exact amount of your refund, and your mailing address.

File a Statement of Information
Every California and registered foreign LLC must file a Statement of Information with the California Secretary of State within 90 days of registering the business with the California Secretary of State, and every two years after.

Access QuickBooks Online
QuickBooks Online offers a convenient way for clients and bookkeepers to work together on making sure books are up to date. For existing clients using QuickBooks Online, access company books here. For new clients considering QuickBooks Online, check out the features, plans, and options available.
Additional Links
Government Resources
Federal Government

The Internal Revenue Service (IRS)
Find up-to-date tax information, downloadable tax forms, tax articles, and more.

Small Business Administration
Get support with planning, launching, managing, and growing a small business.

Social Security Administration
Plan for retirement, find downloadable tax forms, replace or update your social security card, and more.
California State Government

California Franchise Tax Bureau
Find up-to-date state tax information, downloadable forms, tax articles, and more.

California Secretary of State
File a business entity, update statements of information, register trademarks, and more.

California Employment Development Department
Find resources on payroll, taxes, labor markets, job searches, and more.
Local Government

City of Temecula
File permit requests, browse utility providers, connect with our community, and more.